Personal Web Page


A. SCI-SSCI-SCI Expanded and ESCI Index:

A1. Aydin, M., Degirmenci, T., Gurdal T., & Yavuz, H.  (2023). The role of green innovation in achieving environmental sustainability in European Union countries: testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis. Gondwana Research. (SSCI)

A2. Taha, A., Aydin, M., Lasisi, T. T., Bekun, F. V., & Sethi, N.  (2023). Toward a sustainable growth path in Arab economies: an extension of classical growth model. Financial Innovation. (SSCI)

A3. Aydin, M., Koc, P. &Izgi Sahpaz, K. (2023). Investigating the EKC hypothesis with nanotechnology, renewable energy consumption, economic growth and ecological footprint in G7 countries: panel data analyses with structural breaksEnergy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. (SSCI)

A4. Aydin, M., & Bozatli, O.  (2023). The impacts of the refugee population, renewable energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth on health expenditure in Turkey: new evidence from Fourier-based analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)

A5. Pata, U. K. and Aydin, M. (2022). Persistence of CO2 emissions in G7 countries: a different outlook from wavelet-based linear and nonlinear unit root tests. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)

A6. Aydin, M., & Bozatli, O.  (2022). Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: evidence from asymmetric frequency domain causality approach. Applied Economic Analysis. (SSCI)

A7. Aydin, M. (2022). The impacts of political stability, renewable energy consumption, and economic growth on tourism in Turkey: New evidence from Fourier Bootstrap ARDL approach. Renewable Energy. (SCI)

A8. Aydin, M., & Bozatli, O.  (2022). Do transport taxes reduce air pollution in the top 10 countries with the highest transport tax revenues? A country-specific panel data analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)

A9. Inal V., Gurdal, T., Degirmenci, T. & Aydin, M.  (2022). The effects of military expenditures on labor productivity, innovation and economic growth for the most militarized countries: panel data analysis. Kybernetes. (SSCI)

A10. Aydin, M., Pata, U. K. & Inal, V.  (2021). Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: evidence from asymmetric frequency domain causality approach. Applied Economic Analysis. (SSCI)

A11. Gurdal, T., Aydin, M., & Inal, V. (2021). The relationship between tax revenue, government expenditure, and economic growth in G7 countries: new evidence from time and frequency domain approaches. Economic Change and Restructuring. (SSCI)

A12. Pata, U. K.,Aydin, M. & Haouas, I. (2021). Are natural resources abundance and human development a solution for environmental pressure? Evidence from top ten countries with the largest ecological footprint. Resources Policy. (SSCI)

A13. Aydin, M.  & Turan, Y. E.,(2020). The influence of financial openness, trade openness, and energy intensity on ecological footprint: revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for BRICS countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)

A14. Aydin, M.  & Pata, U. K.,(2020). Are shocks to disaggregated renewable energy consumption permanent or temporary for the USA? Wavelet based unit root test with smooth structural shifts. Energy. (SCI- Expanded)

A15. Gormus, S., & Aydin, M. (2020). Revisiting the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis using innovation: new evidence from the top 10 innovative economies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI)

A16. Pata, U. K., & Aydin, M. (2020). Testing the EKC hypothesis for the top six hydropower energy-consuming countries: Evidence from Fourier Bootstrap ARDL procedure. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI- Expanded)

A17. Aydin, M. (2019). The Effect of Economic Growth on Obesity for the Most Obese Countries: New Evidence from the Obesity Kuznets Curve. The European Journal of Health Economics. (SSCI)

A18. Aydin, M. (2019). The Effect of Biomass Energy Consumption on Economic Growth in BRICS Countries: A Country-Specific Panel Data Analysis. Renewable Energy. (SCI- Expanded)

A19. Aydin, M. (2019). Renewable and non-renewable electricity consumption–economic growth nexus: evidence from OECD countries. Renewable Energy. (SCI- Expanded)

A20. Gorus, M. S., & Aydin, M. (2019). The relationship between energy consumption, economic growth, and CO2 emission in MENA countries: Causality analysis in the frequency domain. Energy, 168, 815-822. (SCI)

A21. Yilanci, V., Gorus, M. S., & Aydin, M. (2019). Are shocks to ecological footprint in OECD countries permanent or temporary?. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI- Expanded)

A22. Ulev, S., & Aydın M. (2019). The Effects of Market Interest Rate on Islamic Indices: A Heterogeneous Panel Data Analysis of Participation 30 Index Companies. Turkish Journalof Islamic Economics, 6(1), 35-50. (ESCI)

A23. Aydın M. (2018). Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus for Top 10 Natural Gas–Consuming Countries: A Granger Causality Analysis in the Frequency Domain. Energy, 165PB, 179-186. (SCI)

B. Other Index:

B1. Aydin, M. (2020). Türkiye için İşsizlik Histerisi Hipotezinin Dalgacık Tabanlı Birim Kök Testleri İle Sınanması. Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi. (ULAKBİM)

B2. Aydin, M. (2020). Askeri Harcamalar, Ekonomik Büyüme ve Çevre Kirliliği Arasındaki İlişki: Türkiye İçin Yapısal Kırılmalı Nedensellik Testinden Kanıtlar. Ekonomi Politika ve Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi. (ULAKBİM)

B3. Aydin, M. (2020). Seçilmiş OECD Ülkelerinde Çevre Vergilerinin Çevre Kirliliği Üzerindeki Etkileri: Yapısal Kırılmalı Nedensellik Testinden Kanıtlar. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi. (ULAKBİM)

B4.Aydın Mücahit (2019). Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi Hipotezi Geçerliliğinin Fourier Birim Kök Testleri ile İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği. Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, 30, 35-48. (REPEC)

B5.Yılancı Veli, Aydın Mücahit (2018). Türkiye’de Kadın Okullaşmasının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi: RALS-EG Eşbütünleşme Testi Yaklaşımı. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, (Prof. Dr. Harun Terzi Özel Sayısı), 101-112. (Econlit)

B6. Aydın Mücahit (2018). Enerji Tüketimi İle Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişki: Düşük Ve Orta Gelirli Ülkeler Örneği. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(1), 1-15. (Econlit)

B7. Bektaş Hakan, Aydın Mücahit (2018). Müşteri Bağlılığının Ölçülmesi: Cep Telefonu Pazarı Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 32(3), 773-791. (Ulakbim)

B8. Saldanlı Arif, Aydın Mücahit, Bektaş Hakan (2017). The determinants of stock prices: Evidence from the Turkish banking sector. Theoretical and Applied Economics, XXIV(I), 179-186. (Econlit)

B9. Aydın Mücahit (2017). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Borsa İle Döviz Kurları Arasındaki İlişki: Simetrik ve Asimetrik Nedensellik Analizi.  Ekonometri ve İstatistik e-Dergisi , 27, 1-15. (REPEC)

B10. Saldanlı Arif, Aydın Mücahit (2016). Bankacılık Sektöründe Karlılığı Etkileyen Faktörlerin Panel Veri Analizi İle İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği. İstanbul Üniversitesi Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, 24, 1-9. (REPEC)

B11. Aydın Mücahit, Malcıoğlu Gürkan (2016). Fınancıal Development And Economıc Growth Relatıonshıp: The Case of OECD Countrıes. Journal of Applied Research in Finance and Economics, 2(1), 1-7. (ASOS)

B12. Aydın Mücahit, Yılancı Veli (2016). Fiscal sustainability test: The case of Turkey. Global Journal on Humanites & Social Sciences, 4, 209-2012.

B13. Yılancı Veli, Aydın Mücahit (2016). Testing of the crowding out effect for Turkey. Global Journal on Humanites & Social Sciences, 4, 213-217.

B14. Malcıoğlu Gürkan, Aydın Mücahit (2016). Borsa İstanbul’da Piyasa Etkinliğinin Analizi: Harvey Doğrusallık Testi. Journal Of Accounting, Finance And Auditing Studies, 2(1), 112-123. (Ebscohost)

B15. Aydın Mücahit, Sarı Murat (2014). Relatıonshıp Between Gdp And Export In Turkey. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncusi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series ( Special Issue), 282-288. (REPEC)